Also interesting
Richard Dedekind
Walk 1: Set Theory
Unit 1: The Mathematical Universe
Unit 2: Unions and Intersections of Sets
Unit 3: Direct Products and Relations
Unit 4: Functions and Equivalent Sets
Unit 5: Families and the Axiom of Choice
Unit 6: Ordered Sets and the Lemma of Zorn
Unit 7: Successor Sets and the Axioms of Peano
Unit 8: Natural Numbers and the Principle of Induction
Unit 9: Well Ordered Sets
Unit 10: Ordinal Numbers
Unit 11: Cardinal Numbers
Unit 12: Cardinal Arithmetics
Unit 13: The Axiomatics of von Neumann, Bernays and Gödel
Unit 14: Literature about Set Theory
Walk 2: Numbers
Unit 1: Natural Numbers and the Principle of Induction
Richard Dedekind
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Richard Dedekind
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