Unions and Intersections of Sets

This unit is in preparation.
The expected publication date is April 2020.

The present unit is part of the following walks


The present union explains the following basic methods of constructing new sets from given sets.

The text on this website summarizes the relevant definitions and theorems. The pdf document also contains the proofs of the propositions and theorems.

The Axiom of Pairing

Axiom. Let A and B be two sets.

  1. There exists the set C := {A}
  2. There exists the set D := {A, B}

French / German. Axiom of Pairing = Axiome de la paire = Paarmengenaxiom.

Unions of Sets

Axiom. (Axiom of Unions) Let $C$ be a set.

Intersections of Sets

The Complement of a Set

The Power Set of a Set

Notes and References